Did You Know?

Want to be a part of 5 MILLION LOVE STORIES? It’s official! We hit 5 MILLION marriages this month! Our office strives to make the wedding experience as memorable as possible, encouraging visitors to come to our state to get married.

To share YOUR story, please click HERE!

Did You Know?

2/22/22 just passed, a day to remember for thousands of couples! Couples lined the blocks to claim this date as their wedding anniversary.

Our office worked around the clock to make sure as many couples as possible could have this special moment!

And Did You Know?

That I am once again running to be YOUR Clark County Clerk!

Do you want a fair and transparent government department? Do you think government should work FOR and WITH the community to ensure it is meeting YOUR needs? This is what I want to be allowed to continue doing for you!

I need your support and vote to continue providing the quality service and good government you deserve.


Thank you!

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