Thanks to the IATSE for your warm endorsement!

From the organization,

Dear Ms. Goya

I am pleased to notify you that you have received the endorsement of the
IATSE Local 720 for County Clerk in the 2022 Election.

I wish you the best of luck in your election.

Matt Kimball
Political Action Committee

As your Clark County Clerk, I will continue to work hard to deserve this endorsement and the endorsement of our community!

Thank you!

Lynn Goya, Clark County Clerk

Thank you Iron Workers of Nevada for your endorsement!

Good morning,

The Iron Workers are very happy to write this letter to announce your
endorsement. It is refreshing to see Nevadans who are not afraid to step
into the political arena and fight for the same core values as the Iron
Workers. Our union is committed to ensuring we workers have access to
fair wages, benefits and safe working conditions. This is what the
American dream is all about. Our endorsement is an act of good faith and
I want you to know you can count on us to help you win your election,
and ensure the right choices will be made for our Community.

Thank you very much, Iron Workers, for your warm endorsement! Serving our community as Clark County Clerk makes me feel I can contribute, as you do!

Lynn Goya, Clark County Clerk

SNV local 2022 (1)

Thanks to Plumbers, Pipefitters & Service Technicians Local 525 for your endorsement!


Thank you for participating in our endorsement process. We appreciated
your responses, and believe you share the values of our organization and
the members we represent.

Thank you for your service to the community and your support of Union
Members. We look forward to working with you as an elected

Greg Esposito
Jimmy Naughton
Plumbers, Pipefitters & Service Technicians Local 525
Political Action Committee

Thank you so much for your heartfelt endorsement! I will strive to deserve this, as I continue to serve as your Clark County Clerk!

Lynn Goya, Clark County Clerk

IATSE Endorses Lynn Marie Goya for Clerk of Clark County in 2022

Thank you @IATSE Local 720!

Dear Ms. Goya

I am pleased to notify you that you have received the endorsement of the IATSE Local 720 for County Clerk in the 2022 Election. That entitles you to use our union logo in your promotional materials. I have attached a copy of our union logo for your convenience. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

I wish you the best of luck in your election.

Matt Kimball
Political Action Committee
IATSE Local 720