Category: Announcements
October 1 Memorial Information
As the County continues to work with representatives from the community and those who were directly impacted by the tragic events of the 1 October shooting, Clark County’s 1 October Memorial Committee is reaching a critical phase in the creation of a lasting memorial that remembers the victims, honors the survivors and first responders, and recognizes the resilience of our community.
Clark County and the Committee are inviting anyone wishing to express an idea or any other form of creative expression to submitthrough the online portal. These submissions can be drawings, short videos, poems, songs, etc., and submitters are asked to provide a short description of what they are submitting so that the design teams understand the emotion or creativity they are trying to convey. Individual artists interested in contributing to the creation of a memorial are invited to share their resumes or portfolios as well. Submissions are available in an online gallery for viewing if participants grant permission. Professional design teams will be required to review all Creative Expressions submissions to inform their concepts for the memorial, and the public will be able to view the formal design proposals before a selection is made next year. Creative expressions may be submitted through September 30thand viewed here:
More details about this effort (and other pathways for participation) may be found on the 1 October Memorial Committee’s website at
We encourage you to tell your family and friends about this effort and we also encourage you to share information about this on your social media. Our hashtag is #1OctoberMemorial. To follow the progress of this effort, please visit the 1 October Memorial Committee’s website and subscribe to receive free email updates. Additionally, you may follow the work of the committee as it creates a “Memorial to Remember.”
Presented Assembly Bill 317 during the 79th (2017) Session
AB317 Revises provisions governing limitations on conducting business using certain fictitious names. (BDR 52-1019). Approved by the Governor on May 26, 2017 and effective on July 1, 2017. Learn more by CLICKING HERE.
EDITORIAL: County records
Las Vegas Review-Journal
November 29, 2016 – 8:00 pm
Public access to government documents is vital to the health of any free society. Barring some extraordinary circumstances — national security, for instance — accountability demands that such records be open and available to those who seek to review them.
Unfortunately, too many government agencies and bureaucrats reflexively take the opposite approach, withholding information until specifically ordered to provide it. That’s why Clark County Clerk Lynn Goya deserves a ton of credit for seeking to digitalize all of her office’s records to make it easier for members of the public to find them online.Read More.